Assistance to Our Neighbors in Need: As a parish, we have opportunities to support those in our community who are in need, both through our prayers and our financial help. Saint Anthony Parish provides donations to the food shelf at the Haven on an ongoing basis. We publish the weekly list of needs in the bulletin and collect donations in the basket at the entrance to the church. This parish project helps year round.
We also have a fund that allows us to provide individuals and families financial assistance for emergency needs such as fuel, shelter, clothing and other essentials. Donations to replenish our Assistance Fund allow us to continue to provide for these needs. A check made out to Saint Anthony Church marked “Assistance” will ensure your donation is used for this purpose. Thank you for your generosity.
Haven Food Shelf: Saint Anthony Parish collects your weekly food donations in the basket at the entrance of the church. These are periodically delivered to the Haven Food Shelf. On behalf of the Haven, we sincerely thank you!